United Features Syndicate’s Mary Jane Butters points out that adding high-fructose corn syrup and preservatives and wadding things into weird shapes for packaging costs money—processed foods are spendy.
By age 5, a kid will have eaten 7 lbs of additives.
Whole foods are left pretty much untouched—but often the little “touching” required (notice I avoid saying cooking) can be time-consuming.
To incorporate more whole foods, first make sure you have freezer space and containers. 32-oz yogurt containers are great.
Buy all you need to get through a week. Post your upcoming dinners on a blackboard in the kitchen.
Stay around the outside of the store—dairy, produce. In the inner aisles, look for slow-cook brown rice, quinoa, steel-cut oats and so on. Frozen fruits and veggies are great.
On the weekend, set aside several hours to cook. Make rice, oatmeal and other necessities ahead and freeze in portion-sized or recipe-sized bags. The same goes for sauces.
For snacks, whip up granola mix or pop organic popcorn.
The next time you’re in the store? Forget the soda. No one needs soda to live.
Little Debbie can also struggle on without our patronage.