
    Kelsey Perry, Arizona Republic, June 6, 2009, says even the best watering holes are getting pretty generous these days.

    They used to be able to open on weekends, bang, money! There are no more givens anymore, one bar owner said.

    Now they need to get creative.

    One woman said she went to lower-rent places, such as Dos Gringos Trailer Park (seriously? That’s the name? It MUST be cheaper or else dangerously ironical).

    A manager at Hell’s Half Acre (like our AZ bar names?) says they don’t like to raise the price of the drinks. In fact, Devil’s Martini lowered the prices to pre-Super Bowl.

    It’s chic to be cheap, one said.

    One passes out coupons called “The Bailout.” Kind of a political statement.

    They also tell the bouncers and door staff to smile and be nicer.

    People don’t want to get gussied up and go far. Neighborhood bars are cheering that one.

    I love neighborhood bars. My neighborhood is 2,500 miles from here in DC, though.

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